Riding the success of “Loki” season two, Marvel’s newest superhero flick, “The Marvels” released in theaters Nov. 10, starting off strong, but quickly turning into confused absurdity.
The film centers around superheros Carol Danvers, “Captain Marvel,” as she begins investigating a wormhole that was blasted in space by the film’s antagonist, Dar-Benn. However, the movie quickly turned confusing when her powers start to get mysteriously entangled with the likes of Monica Rambeau from “WandaVision” and Kamala Khan from “Ms. Marvel.” This entanglement has them physically switching places with each other when they use their powers at the same time.
The movie started off strong with each of the character’s dynamics blending well together. The villain had a great motive, and the fight scenes were interesting and well done. It was nice to see the Marvel TV shows finally factoring in with the films.
But about one hour into the film, things took a turn for the worst. The comedy started to feel forced, as Monica and Carol aren’t normally comedic characters. Then there was a musical number smack dab in the middle of the film. Things started to make less and less sense and get more and more absurd.
Plot points were jumping out of nowhere, and it started to feel like a fan fic written by a 12-year-old rather than a professional Hollywood film. The movie seemed to have put “comedy” over plot, and it failed miserably. The plot was lost.
However, towards the end, the film returned to the tone it started with. The final fight scene was masterfully choreographed, and the film’s ending actually had actual consequences. It was not the typical “saved the day,” ending, as one of the characters had to make a huge sacrifice.
Zawe Ashton’s Dar-Benn was the highlight of the film. Unlike the other characters, she donned a serious tone, which was refreshing compared to the unfunny quips of the other characters. Her motive was very grounded and understandable, too.
This film was more of a crossover than I originally thought it was going to be. There were cameos by two other MCU characters in the film itself, and that’s not mentioning the shocking revelation in the film’s post-credit scene.
The post credit scene was arguably the most exciting part of the film. Marvel teased a big reveal that every fan has been waiting for, and it seems that audiences are in for a wild ride. The implications in the film’s ending might just place it as the most important movie in Phase 5.
Overall, this film was not good by any means, but a fun watch if you keep your expectations low. It’s entertaining to watch the different characters interact with each other and continue their plot lines. It’s not the worst film Marvel has put out, but it may be tbihe most unorganized. The cameos are exciting and the ending was well done, and if you want to know where the MCU is headed in coming years, it’s definitely worth the watch.
“The Marvels” will be the last Marvel film released for the next eight months until the third “Deadpool” installment arrives July 2024.
“The Marvels” is available to watch in theaters now.