Exhibition highlights faculty art

The Fawick Art Gallery introduces the work of faculty and local artists to the community. It also provides students with the chance to learn about various gallery practices.

The Fawick Art Gallery in the Kleist Center for Art and Drama is currently running its Faculty Art Exhibition. The exhibition features the art of Professor Erica Lull, Professor Benjamin Lambert, Professor Paul Jacklitch, and Professor Steven Ziebarth. Viewers can explore the media of painting, photography, ceramics, and graphic design.


According to Professor Erica Lull, who teaches graphic design courses and is the coordinator of the Digital Media Design (DMD) program, the setup for the show required a team effort.

“We all created our individual pieces and then got together and discussed how it would be physically laid out in the space,” said Lull. “We decided where each of our work would look best inside the gallery.”

Setup in the Fawick Art Gallery includes many different considerations, she said.

“Some of it is very practical, like ‘we need light so some pieces go here’, while some of it is about flow,” she said. “For instance, we thought about how people looking at the work would move through the space.”

The department of art likes to put on a faculty show every three to four years, said Lull.

This year’s Faculty Art Exhibition is Baldwin Wallace’s introduction to Professor Benjamin Lambert’s work, who is a new member of the department of art.

“Paul Jacklitch and Steve Ziebarth had the idea to do the show. I collaborated with them and we thought it would be a nice way to introduce Professor Lambert into the BW community,” said Lull.

Professor Jacklitch’s work in the show features photography, while Professor Ziebarth’s work covers painting, said Lull.

Lambert works with clay and ceramics. His mixed media pieces also include wood, epoxy paint, and other materials. The environment inspires him to create art.

“It’s fair to say that we all have our own individual studio practices,” said Lambert. “We all have

different reasons for making the work that we do. Mine stems from ecological or environmental ideas.”

The environment also has an impact on Lull’s work.

“Some of the work is from my thesis. I graduated with an MFA, so some of it comes from that work,” said Lull. “My other work is a commentary on the environment. The found objects I used were picked off the ground.”

Lull has additional goals when creating her work.

“Aside from that, I try to bring standard graphic design practices into my work. I use them as a teaching tool,” said Lull. “I explore the use of practices that I would teach my students or ones that all graphic designers do officially.”

The Fawick Art Gallery also holds other shows, including one coming up in November called 52 Weeks 52 Works, which features artists from Northeast Ohio, said Lull.

“It’s really an educational space,” said Lambert. “52 Weeks 52 Works is great for the students because it’s a model for them to look and gives them the opportunity to network with local artists.”

In addition to learning from viewing different types of art, students also learn about numerous gallery practices.

“We try to have our students involved in all of our shows,” said Lull. “Student workers help put the vinyl up, clean, paint pedestals, and put together catalogs for advertising. We involve them so they learn and for my graphic design students, the catalogs make great portfolio pieces. They also help with lighting.”

The Fawick Art Gallery is a space that offers opportunities beyond art, said Lambert.

“It’s not only about the artwork,” said Lambert. “I think artwork can be a vehicle to help create a sense of community and dialogue.”

The Fawick Art Gallery hours are Monday thru Friday 2-5p.m. Visitors can make an appointment if they are unable to make it during those times.