Career Center Employee Offers Advice on Finding Summer Internships

The spring semester is nearing its end, and many BW students are getting ready to start internships.  

Every student is required to complete an internship to fulfill their EXP credit on campus. Some students complete more than one internship throughout their college career. The internship process is meant to prepare students for professional jobs in the career field they are studying. Student can find internships through assistance with the Career Center and online sites such as Handshake, and LinkedIn. 

While the internship search can be an intimidating task for many, the Career Center offers tips on resume building, mock interviews, and advice for students looking for summer employment. Hannah Fredriksen, assistant director for career education and student engagement, said the interview process is just as important for the student interviewee as it is for the company interviewing them. 

 “When being in your interview, one of the biggest key points to remember is that even though companies are interviewing you, you will want to make sure you interview them as well,” Fredriksen said. “This is important because you do not want to be stuck in a bad situation, such as being the person who gets coffee versus actually doing something that can help you learn.”  

Some students face difficulty when looking for internships in their field. According to Fredriksen, it is important for students to look for diversity in their positions rather than focusing too much on a specific internship. 

“When you are looking for an internship, my best advice is not to just go to what you want to do,” Fredriksen said. Branching out and having a diverse experience will help you gain skills in the job search.” 

Resume reviews, one of the areas the Career Center is focused in, can greatly impact students likelihood of earning an internship. Since the resume is one of the first things professionals examine, “you will want to have your resume reviewed because that is their first impression of you,” Fredriksen said.  

Students should not be afraid to show off their confidence, Fredriksen said.  

“When you get to the internship stage, you need to remember to have confidence as a student; you will want to tell them what you have potentially,”  she said. 

Many students have discussed their anxiety with asking questions while interviewing for positions and internships. Fredriksen believes that asking questions is an important part of the process that should not scare off interviewees. 

“When at your interview or internship, do not be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to,” Fredriksen said. “They understand you are learning and working … Take advantage of learning from everyone around you, because you all have different skills and advantages and are in the same field of work. You all can learn from each other’s experiences.”  

Fredriksen also points out the importance of networking while searching for an internship or job.  

“Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone you meet. Get your name out there!” she said. 

The Career Center is dedicated to connecting students with internship and job opportunities. Their various services are all designed to give students and alumni the ability to find something they are passionate in. “We are always here to help!” Fredriksen said.