BW Center for Global Explorations announces Spring 2023 programs

Now that some pandemic restrictions have been lessened, as mask mandates in certain cities and states have been lifted and vaccines remain readily available, Baldwin Wallace’s Center for Global Exploration is back in full swing: sending students abroad, as well as welcoming international students to campus. In addition to students studying abroad for a full semester, BW is also offering several short-term programs in both Spring of 2022 and Spring of 2023. 

There are two programs being offered in 2022 and six in 2023.Some of the programs being offered in Spring of 2023 are to the Mediterranean for global sports and sociology, to London for the theater program, to Thailand for business and global sports management, and to Zambia for theatre and film.  

“There is also a Sophomore Year Experience program to Ireland, which is a combination of Entrepreneurship, English and Education credits,” Christie Shrefler, director of study abroad, said. Students who choose to go on this program will be able to fulfill any of those credits, in addition to the International Studies and Experiential Learning Core credits. 

Shrefler, who has led and been on study abroad programs before in the past, said how rewarding it was to see students who have never left the US, “grow and develop new relationships, not only with their peers but really gain a new sense of self and who they are.”  

“Since fewer than 10% of students study abroad nationally, it is not only a great opportunity, but a resume booster as well,” Shrefler said.  

Denise Kohn, one of the faculty advisors for the sophomore year experience Ireland program and an English professor at BW, expressed her excitement about being able to go on this program.  

“I have not been on a BW study abroad program before, although I planned one last May that was cancelled due to COVID,” Kohn said. “That was heartbreaking.” 

The program to Ireland will consist of time spent in the city of Dublin, in the countryside village of Cork, and Spike Island. Students will get the opportunity to see St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Museum of Literature, and time to simply wander and explore on their own..  

The English class associated with this program will be a travel writing course that delves into issues with sustainability in traveling, being a socially responsible traveler, and the difference between being a tourist, and being a traveler.  

This will be a 200-level course and is open to all sophomore students who have above a 2.5 GPA, have completed one semester at BW, have a clear record of conduct, and complete an interview with the faculty advisors. The program consists of a full semester course and travel to Ireland over spring break. Applications for all study abroad program trips are open now at